This paper discusses univerbates in Croatian terminology. The corpus on which the research has been conducted consists of multiword terms and univerbates that were extracted from the Struna database.
Struna is a terminological database of Croatian special field terminology in which the terminology of various professional domains is systematically collected, created, managed and interpreted for the purposes of building and standardising terminology in the Croatian language. The collected corpus is analysed according to the structure of the univerbate and its relationship with the multiword term from which it was derived, from the point of view of standardology and terminology (which of the terms in the database are marked as recommended and which as allowed).
The analysis of the confirmation of the chosen univerbates in the Croatian language corpora (Croatian web corpus hrWac and Croatian language repository), in the internet sources, specialised dictionaries and domain specific texts is aimed at verifying the theses from Slavic literature about the stylistic, in this case professional, features of the univerbates. It is also aimed at providing an answer to the question of the actual use of the terms recommended by terminologists and standardologists.