
Делокутивность и универбация, анализ некоторых фактов русского языка и других славянских языков в диахронии и в синхронии

Show simple item record Sachno, Sergiej 2018-12-21T09:28:33Z 2018-12-21T09:28:33Z 2018
dc.description.abstract Among the various data provided by delocutive derivation, which greatly contributes to word-formation, there are some tricky and debatable cases in Russian and other Slavic languages. By delocutuve derivation, we mean creation of lexical units based, synchroni- cally or/and diachronically, on quotations of an utterance, of a phrase or any other speech element, quotations placed in a typical situation of speech interaction. Delocutivity can be considered as kindred to univerbation in a broad sense. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Slavistički komitet Sarajevo
dc.subject uniwerbizacja
dc.subject univerbation en_US
dc.subject języki słowiańskie
dc.subject Slavic languages en_US
dc.title Делокутивность и универбация, анализ некоторых фактов русского языка и других славянских языков в диахронии и в синхронии
dc.type Article en_US

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