
Problematika glagolskih univerba u bosanskom jeziku (Koliko je zaista neupitno njihovo postojanje?)

Show simple item record Šehović, Amela 2018-12-21T12:03:08Z 2018-12-21T12:03:08Z 2018
dc.description.abstract This paper offers an insight on whether univerbation in the Bosnian language exists in verbs, or exclusively in nouns. Attitudes regarding the matter present in other linguistic literature are observed, since they include verbal suffixes -ira(ti), -isa(ti), -aša(ti). The paper examines the first two suffixes, as well as -ova(ti) and -a(ti), exclusively through examples from the corpus, consisting of written sources (journals, magazines, internet portals, dictionaries), as well as surveys - some conducted in the last couple of years for a research concerning the lexis of the spoken Bosnian language, others recently. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Slavistički komitet Sarajevo
dc.subject język bośniacki
dc.subject Bosnian language en_US
dc.subject uniwerbizacja
dc.subject univerbation en_US
dc.title Problematika glagolskih univerba u bosanskom jeziku (Koliko je zaista neupitno njihovo postojanje?)
dc.type Article en_US

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