
Место Варшавского сборника среди списков Новгородской пятой и Псковской первой летописи

Show simple item record Введенский, Антон М. 2018-12-27T10:35:08Z 2018-12-27T10:35:08Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Vvedenskiy, A. M. (2017). The Place of the Warsaw Miscellany among the Copies of the Novgorod Fifth and Pskov Fi en_US
dc.description.abstract The article examines the question of whether the Warsaw Miscellany, containing the text of the Novgorod Fifth and Pskov First Chronicles, was the original of the hypothetical Chronicle of 1547 or not. In 1547 in Pskov, there was created a chronicle which for the first time combined the text of the Novgorod Fifth and Pskov First Chronicles. In Warsaw Miscellany, the text of Novgorod Fifth Chronicle begins in 1169 and ends in 1446, the text of Pskov First Chronicle begins in 1447 and ends in 1547. In historiography, there was no certainty as to whether the Warsaw Miscellany was a Chronicle of 1547 or a copy from it. The article proves that the Warsaw Miscellany is an early copy of the hypothetical Chronicle of 1547. With the help of textual analysis, I try to show the presence of secondary readings in the Warsaw Miscellany. The article also provides evidence that other copies of this Chronicle, Obolensky’s and Pogodinsky, have a common protograph that goes back to the Chronicle of 1547, bypassing Warsaw Miscellany. The article allows a new look at the relationship between the chronicles containing the text of the Novgorod Fifth and Pskov First Chronicles. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Novgorod Fifth Chronicle en_US
dc.subject Pskov First Chronicle en_US
dc.subject Russian Language en_US
dc.subject język rosyjski en_US
dc.subject historia języka en_US
dc.subject history of language en_US
dc.title Место Варшавского сборника среди списков Новгородской пятой и Псковской первой летописи en_US
dc.title.alternative The Place of the Warsaw Miscellany among the Copies of the Novgorod Fifth and Pskov First Chronicles en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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