
ВЪЗГЛАВЛЕНИѤ или ВЪЗГРАЖДЕНИѤ? (о переводе греч. ἀνακεφαλαίωσις)

Show simple item record Чернышева, Маргарита Ивановна 2018-01-24T00:17:31Z 2018-01-24T00:17:31Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Slověne 1/2015, s.554–563 en_US
dc.description.abstract In this article the author examines the meaning of the Church Slavonic words vъzglavlenije (literally ‘heading’) and vъzgraždenije (literally ‘erecting’) that occur in the Great Menaion Reader compiled in the 16th century under the supervision of St. Macarius, metropolitan of Moscow. These words have been used to translate the Greek term ἀνακεφαλαίωσις ‘recapitulation’ in Constantinopolitan Patriarch Tarasios’ Homily on the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. The first Slavonic word is a specific derivational and semantic calque. The second one seems to be more correct as the exact semantic equivalent for the Greek word. Comparative analysis of derivative relationships of the Church Slavonic words and their comparison with Greek data as well as the treatment of some unique and rare passages, including those of a theological character, make it possible to establish previously uncovered lexical meaning of the words vъzglavlenije and vъzgraždenije ‘implementation.’ The problem of theological commentary in historical dictionaries of a general character is also covered in this article. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject ἀνακεφαλαίωσις gr
dc.subject ВЪЗГЛАВЛЕНИѤ ocs
dc.subject ВЪЗГРАЖДЕНИѤ ocs
dc.subject język starocerkiewnosłowiański pl
dc.subject język grecki pl
dc.subject przekład pl
dc.subject ekwiwalencja przekładowa pl
dc.subject leksyka pl
dc.subject Old Church Slavonic en_US
dc.subject Greek language en_US
dc.subject translation en_US
dc.subject vocabulary en_US
dc.subject translation equivalence en_US
dc.title ВЪЗГЛАВЛЕНИѤ или ВЪЗГРАЖДЕНИѤ? (о переводе греч. ἀνακεφαλαίωσις) ru
dc.title.alternative VЪZGLAVLENIJE or VЪZGRAŽDENIJE? On the Slavonic Translation of the Greek Word Ἀνακεφαλαίωσις en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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