
ЛЕКСИКОГРАФСКИ ОНЕПРАВДАНИ КЛАСОВЕ ДУМИ (с оглед на българската и словашката лексикографска практика)

Show simple item record Кошкова, Мария 2018-11-19T13:54:11Z 2018-11-19T13:54:11Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation 70 ГОДИНИ БЪЛГАРСКА АКАДЕМИЧНА ЛЕКСИКОГРАФИЯ, c.89-97 bg
dc.description.abstract Lexicographical practice undervalues to a certain extent some groups of words, which in the majority of cases do not find their place in monolingual expository or bilingual dictionaries. Within the confrontational plan the study focuses on three groups of lexicographically undervalued words, namely verbal nouns with suffix -не in Bulgarian and -nie / -tie in Slovak, proper nouns and their derivates, as well as interjections and their derivatives. The study points to their processing / non-processing in individual lexicographical works. Stemming from findings of linguistic theories of both languages, as well as from findings of translation practice, the author justifies their right to be entered in various dictionaries and their separate position in subject heading system. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов" bg
dc.subject język bułgarski pl
dc.subject język słowacki pl
dc.subject rzeczownik pl
dc.subject rzeczownik odczasownikowy pl
dc.subject wykrzyknik pl
dc.subject leksykografia pl
dc.subject nazwa własna pl
dc.subject Bulgarian language en_US
dc.subject Slovak language en_US
dc.subject noun en_US
dc.subject verbal noun en_US
dc.subject interjection en_US
dc.subject lexicography en_US
dc.subject proper name en_US
dc.title ЛЕКСИКОГРАФСКИ ОНЕПРАВДАНИ КЛАСОВЕ ДУМИ (с оглед на българската и словашката лексикографска практика) bg
dc.type Article en_US
dc.type Book chapter en_US

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