The Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences undertakes to ensure the availability of its website in accordance with the provisions of the act of April 4th, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the website of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Date of publication of the website: 2005-01-09;
Date of the last inspection and update: 2023-03-13.
The website is partially compliant with the act of April 4th, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.
- Some documents on the website are not available as they were prepared prior to the entry into force of the digital accessibility act.
- Some multimedia materials are not adequately described.
The declaration was made on: 2020-08-20.
The declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the public entity.
Keyboard shortcuts
Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.
Feedback and contact details
In case of problems with the availability of the website, please contact us. The contact person is Piotr Otręba, email: In the same way, requests for access to unavailable information and accessibility can be made.
Anyone has the right to request that the digital website be accessible. You can also request information to be made available using alternative means of access, for example by reading a digitally unavailable document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc. The request should include: data of the person submitting the request, indication of which electronic resource is concerned and method of contact. If the requesting person reports the need to receive information by means of an alternative method of access, he/she should also specify a convenient way of presenting this information. The Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences will process the request immediately, no later than within seven days since the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the person making the request will be immediately informed about it and about the deadline for fulfilling the request, however, this deadline cannot be longer than two months since the date of the request. If it is not possible to ensure digital accessibility, the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences will offer an alternative method of access to information. In case the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences refuses to fulfill the request to ensure the availability or alternative method of access to information, the requesting person may submit a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility of the website or its element. After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, an application to the Ombudsman can be submitted (link to the Ombudsman:
Architectural accessibility
The headquarters of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences is located at 1 Jaracza Street, 00-378 Warsaw. There is one main entrance to the building. The main entrance to the headquarters of the ISS PAS is located on the corner of Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie and Jaracza Streets and is equipped with a wheelchair ramp. There are stairs and an elevator in the building. There are public parking spaces in front of the Institute’s headquarters, including places for people with disabilities. It is possible to enter the headquarters with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.
The premises of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS at 6/12 Jaracza Street, 00-378 Warsaw. There is one entrance to the building without a wheelchair ramp. There are stairs and an elevator in the building. There are public parking spaces in front of the building, including places for people with disabilities. It is possible to enter the premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.
The premises of the Archives of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS and the Special Collections of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS is located at 2/17 Szczęśliwicka Street, 02-352 Warsaw. There is one entrance to the building. The premises is located on the ground floor. There are no stairs to the premises. There are public parking spaces in front of the building, including places for people with disabilities. It is possible to enter the premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.
The branch of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS in Poznań is located in the Działyński Palace, 78/79 Stary Rynek, 61-772 Poznań. There are two entrances to the building – from Stary Rynek Street and from Franciszkańska Street. The main entrance is from Stary Rynek. The entrance adapted to the needs of people with disabilities is from Franciszkańska Street. There is an elevator in the building. The premises of the ISS PAS is located on the second floor. It is possible to enter the premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.
The branch of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS in Krakow is located at 31 Mickiewicza Avenue, 31-120 Krakow. There is one entrance to the building. The premises of the ISS PAS is located in the annex on the ground floor and on the first floor. There are stairs leading to the building. One has to go to the first floor through the main building with two flights of stairs. It is possible to enter the premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.
The library of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS is located in the Central Campus of the University of Warsaw, in the building of the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies. There are two entrances to the building. The entrance on the left side of the building is adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. There is an elevator in the building. It is possible to enter the premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog. Employees do not know sign language.