The project “EASTWEST – Between East and West. Increasing the potential of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences as a prestigious international research centre” aims to incorporate contemporary Slavic studies into the international circulation and raise the prestige of the Institute of Slavic Studies, PAS as a centre conducting specialized research at a global level.

The specificity of the ISS PAS’ profile is based on a unique cognitive perspective: the research concerns local (regional, national, borderland) phenomena, not only in Polish, but also in other Slavic cultures. Although Western European research communities are keenly interested in these phenomena, they omit the results of the local research and do not have grounding in local contexts. The lack of discussion between researchers of the East (as we define the Slavic area) and West results not only from the geographical distance, but especially from communication barriers and a different style of practicing science.

The implementation of the project aims at strengthening the unique ISS PAS’ potential to transmit knowledge from Slavic areas to the world circulation by increasing the competences of the ISS PAS’ scientific and administrative staff concerning international exchange, expanding the scope of research results, increasing the number of international scientific projects, as well as the visibility, attractiveness and friendliness of ISS PAS for foreign researchers.

Achieving the objectives is ensured by the implementation of the following tasks:

  • raising competences in the area of ​​congress languages – English and German language courses;
  • internationalization in the Internet environment – preparation of the English version of the ISS PAS’ website and documents regulating the work at the Institute;
  • building intercultural competences and developing skills in science management in the conditions of multiculturalism – training of the so-called soft skills that will allow to build an open attitude, effectively create multinational teams and manage them with respect for cultural diversity;
  • internationalization of scientists “at home” by increasing the access to research conducted in the West – the purchase of access to journals’ databases.

The manager of the project: dr. Ewa Wróblewska-Trochimiuk.

The period of implementation: 2018–2020.

The program is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, non-competitive project “Podniesienie kompetencji kadry akademickiej i potencjału instytucji w przyjmowaniu osób z zagranicy – Welcome to Poland” implemented as part of the Action specified in the application for project funding no. POWR.03.03.00-00- PN14 /18.

Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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