Project updates

Insights for the policy development based on the PIRPD research findings: The presentation is available for download

This presentation contains key insights and recommendations on addressing problems related to Russian-language political discourse. This information may be useful for experts, activists, journalists, and policymakers.

The file with the presentation is available here.

The article by Dr. Anton Dinerstein published in The Center for New Ideas

The article by Dr. Anton Dinerstein was published in The Center for New Ideas, a research center that helps citizens and political actors build a democratic and resilient Belarus. The article explains how people personify political power in their everyday use and what problems such personification creates.

The article is available in Russian here.

“Cultural Waves” podcast

Dr. Anton Dinerstein, together with his project team, Natasha Zamorskaya and Katarzyna Woźny, prepared the “Cultural Waves” podcast in cooperation with Radio Praga. The podcast dives into the realm of social sciences with a special focus on the study of culture and communication. Over the course of four episodes, Dr. Dinerstein answers the key questions: How do we study culture? How can we analyze cultural contexts? What is the complex relationship between culture and communication? The scientific content is enriched with fieldwork examples from Dr. Dinerstein’s research and Belarusian music.

The podcast, available in English, can be listened to at

Enjoy the program!

Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Annual World Convention: Presentation available for download

Dr. Anton Dinerstein has presented the PIRPD project research results at the ASN 28th Annual World Convention which was held on May 16–18 at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA.

The presentation was entitled “Power as Identity and the Identity of Power: Conceptualizing Politics based on Russian-language Political Discourse in Belarus” and was a part of Panel R11, Section 8: Narratives of Russian Nationalism.

The file with the presentation is available here.

International Congress of Belarusian Studies (ICBS): Presentation available for download

Dr. Anton Dinerstein has presented the preliminary research results at the Eleventh International Congress of Belarusian Studies which was held on September 22–24 in Gdansk, Poland.

The presentation was entitled “Conceptualizing Politics in Russian-language Political Discourse: The Case of Belarus” and was a part of the Politics. Political Institutions section within the Public Interests in Public Administration: interaction between citizens and the state, civic participation and public services discussion panel.

The file with the presentation is available here.

PIRPD project dataset is now available in Open Access repository

The dataset for the “Power and identity in Russian-language political discourse: The case of Belarus” (PIRPD) research project is now publicly available in the RepOD data repository.

The dataset contains the following items:

  • Analytical note with data collection methodology description and key findings;
  • Data collection guidelines;
  • Code sheets for data entry;
  • Two datasets with media discourse data (SPSS format);
  • Two files with diagrams and tables based on the datasets (SPSS and HTML versions);
  • Raw media discourse data.

The dataset is available for download here.

Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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