
Established on 1 December 1990, the Publishing Centre of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences publishes works in the field of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, history, ethnology and sociology both in Polish and all Slavic languages, as well as in congress languages.

The Centre issues eight academic journals: Acta Baltico-Slavica, Adeptus, Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, Colloquia Humanistica, Slavia Meridionalis, Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, Studia Litteraria et Historica, and Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej.

The Centre also issues six publishing series: Język na Pograniczach [Borderland Languages], Literatura na Pograniczach [Borderland Literatures], Kultura na Pograniczach [Borderland Cultures], Prace Slawistyczne. Slavica [Monographs in Slavic Studies. Slavica], Idee Wędrowne na Słowiańskich Bałkanach [Migrating Ideas in the Slavic Balkans] and Діалектологічні студії / Studia Gwarowe [Dialectological Studies] (in cooperation with the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). By way of exception, some monographs and collective volumes are issued outside those series.

Publications issued by the Centre are available in open access: journals as of 2014, and books as of 2016.

As a publisher, the Institute of Slavic Studies is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), the Conscious Publishers [Świadomi Wydawcy] group and the Polish Chamber of Books [Polska Izba Książki, PIK].

Publications issued by the Publishing Centre of the Institute are included in a number of prestigious databases: Book Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), Central and Eastern European Online Library, Directory of Open Access Journals, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analitics), ERIH Plus and Scopus (Elsevier).

The Centre cooperates with other institutions: The Slavic Foundation [Fundacja Slawistyczna], Kashubian Institute [Instytut Kaszubski], University of Silesia in Katowice [Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach], Regional Museum in Suwałki [Muzeum Okręgowe w Suwałkach] and publishers: Lexis, PWN, Rys, WUW.


Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Jaracza 1
00-378 Warszawa, Poland

Jaracza 6/12
00-378 Warsaw, Poland

tel. +48 228271741


Dr Dorota Leśniewska – head of the Publishing Department
Thursday 10.00–15.00 (office)

Joanna Drewniak – secretary of the Publishing Department
Wednesday–Thursday 10.00–15.00 (office)

Mgr Małgorzata Chudzyńska – bibliography editing
Dr Marcin Fastyn – plagiarism screening
Dr Julia Gurskaja – bibliography editing, Belarusian and Russian text editing
Mgr Olga Kowalczyk – coordinator, Polish text editing
Mgr Piotr Otręba, ISS PAS Journals and iReteslaw administrator
Mgr inż. Jerzy Michał Pieńkowski – typesetting
Mgr Piotr Styk – English text editing

Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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