As of 2016, the collection “Wydawnictwa Instytutu Slawistyki PAN [Publications of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences]” serves as the book publishing platform of the Institute. The collection makes available books issued by the Institute, which since 2016 only appear electronically (or both electronically and in print). Also available are those volumes from before 2016, originally published in print, to which appropriate licenses have been secured by the publisher. Some older works are to be found in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes (RCIN) in either open or restricted access.
The Institute publishes works devoted to Slavic linguistics, literary and cultural studies, and the history of Slavs. The Institute’s six book series make up separate collections in the repository: Język na Pograniczach [Borderland Languages], Kultura na Pograniczach [Borderland Cultures], Literatura na Pograniczach [Borderland Literatures], Prace Slawistyczne. Slavica [Monographs in Slavic Studies. Slavica], Idee Wędrowne na Słowiańskich Bałkanach [Migrating Ideas in the Slavic Balkans] and Діалектологічні студії / Studia Gwarowe [Dialectological Studies] (in cooperation with the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Each series has its own editor-in-chief and editorial advisory board appointed to four-year term by the Academic Council of the Institute (see “Academic supervision”); their names appear on the inside front cover. By way of exception, some monographs and collective volumes are also issued outside those series (see Editorial policies).
All texts which appeared in the repository until 2022 are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland (CC BY 3.0 PL) open access licence, and those published since 2023 – under the CC BY 4.0 licence. This means that they are available free of charge to all users, including institutions. The users may read, download, copy, distribute, print and search the full text of each volume, as well as publish links to content, without the need to seek permission from the publisher or the author(s).
The authors have the right to publish their books or articles in other repositories, personal websites, etc. in the version made available by the publisher only after the work has been published in this repository (verify at SHERPA/RoMEO).
In 2018 this repository was included into the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR), and in 2019 into the Registry of Open Access Repositories.