Rules and regulations of the publishing process
- The deadline for submitting manuscripts of monographs for publication with the Publishing Centre of the Institute of Slavic Studies is 30 September each year.
- The Publishing Centre issues single- and multi-author monographs funded from other sources, and studies authored by staff members of the Institute as part of their promotion procedure (see “Funding”).
- The author(s) of a monograph or editor(s) of a multi-author volume file(s) a written declaration that the manuscript has not been published in the same form or submitted in the same form for publication with another publisher.
- The author(s)/editor(s) submit(s) the final version of the manuscript and a submission form to the Head of the Publishing Centre by e-mail or on a memory stick.
- The manuscript should be edited as specified in the instructions for authors, available at the website of the Institute of Slavic Studies.
- The Publishing Centre issues books in five publishing series. On acceptance of the submission by the editorial advisory board of a particular series, the Head of the Publishing Centre includes it in the publishing plan.
- The publishing plan for each calendar year is subject to approval by the Director of the Institute by 15 January.
- The Head of the Publishing Centre informs the author(s)/editor(s) about the Director’s decision and initiates the plagiarism screening procedure. Manuscripts which pass the plagiarism test are eligible for review (see “Peer-review process”).
- On receipt of reviews recommending the manuscript for publication, and submission of its final version (modified as suggested by reviewers) by the author(s), the Head of the Publishing Centre initiates the editorial process.
- The Publishing Centre coordinates all stages of the editorial process. The author(s) proofread(s) the text twice: when it has been edited (but not yet typeset), and when it has been typeset.
- The Publishing Centre issues books in electronic version within six months of receipt of the modified manuscript (as suggested by reviewers), and of receipt of a declaration of funding. In the case of large multi-author volumes, the period may be extended to eight months.
- The author(s) conclude(s) a licence agreement with the Institute of Slavic Studies prior to the beginning of the editorial process.
Information about issues concerning the publishing process of articles is available on each journal’s “About the Journal” page on the Institute’s ISS PAS Journals website.
Academic supervision
General academic supervision over the Publishing Centre of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences is performed by the Scientific Council of the Institute. The Council appoints editors-in-chief, editorial boards and editorial advisory boards of its journals, and head editors and editorial advisory boards of its publishing series. Members of editorial advisory boards of journals and publishing series are scholars from academic centres in Poland and abroad who are not staff members of the Institute or members of its Scientific Council.
The Scientific Council of the Institute appoints the reviewers of monographs (see “Peer-review process”) and approves the lists of reviewers of journals (cf. each journal’s “About the Journal” page on the Institute’s ISS PAS Journals website).
Editorial advisory boards set the general direction of journals and publishing series and supervise the academic quality of texts which they publish. In the case of a publishing series, the board also makes a preliminary decision concerning the publication of particular monographs. Members of the editorial advisory board represent the journal or the series in the international academic community.
Peer-review process
- Monographs edited or co-edited by the Institute of Slavic Studies are subject to peer-review process in which they are assessed by two independent reviewers. By submitting their manuscript, the author(s)/editor(s) agree(s) that it will be subject to the review process.
- Persons appointed as reviewers are not staff members of the Institute or members of its Scientific Council. Persons who within the last three years have been direct superiors of the author(s)/editor(s) or their collaborators, or have been involved in the same research grant(s) are not eligible as reviewers of the manuscript. Reviewers are scholars holding the habilitation degree (or its equivalent). Scholars holding a PhD (or its equivalent) may be appointed as reviewers if they are renowned specialists in the field.
- Reviewers of monographs are appointed by the Scientific Council of the Institute in open vote. Candidates for reviewers are proposed by the Head of the Publishing Centre after consulting the Head Editor of the publishing series in which the monograph is planned to appear, and, as required by the topic, the Head of one of the Departments of the Institute.
- The Head of the Publishing Centre commissions a review within two weeks of the decision of the Scientific Council.
- Reviewers submit their reviews within 90 days. The reviews are descriptive. In their conclusions, the reviewers recommend that the manuscript should be accepted for publication [e.g. subject to revisions by the author(s)], or that it should be rejected.
- On receipt of the reviews, the Head of the Publishing Centre informs the author(s)/editor(s) that that their manuscript has been accepted for publication as submitted or subject to revisions, and makes the reviews available to them. The author(s) need(s) to submit a revised manuscript within 60 days. If both reviews are negative, the Head of the Publishing Centre informs the author(s) that their manuscript has been rejected. If one review is positive and the other – negative, the Head of the Publishing Centre may apply to the Scientific Council to appoint the third reviewer.
- The reviewers are not allowed to disclose any information concerning the review process to third parties.
- Reviewers receive pay for their work as specified in the Regulation of the Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences no. 8/2012 of 20 November 2012 [Zarządzenie Dyrektora IS PAN nr 8/2012 z dnia 20 listopada 2012 roku].
- Reviews are kept on the files of the Publishing Centre for the period of five years and then transferred to the Archives of the Institute.
Information about issues concerning the review process of articles is available on each journal’s “About the Journal” page on the Institute’s ISS PAS Journals website.
Plagiarism screening
The plagiarism screening procedure aims to protect the publishing ethics. The aim is to ensure that the text of a monograph, a journal article or a chapter in a multi-author volume does not include unacknowledged quotations from other works (plagiarism), and to verify whether the text or its portions have been previously published (self-plagiarism). In the event of ethical misconduct on the part of the author(s) the Head of the Publishing Centre requests an explanation and undertakes appropriate steps as specified in COPE guidelines (see Publication ethics).
Submissions are tested for plagiarism twice: before they are sent to reviewers and after they have been edited.
Information on licence agreement
- By granting the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (the publisher of the monograph) a non-exclusive licence for publication the author(s)/editor(s) accept(s) the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits the Institute to reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, create adaptations and commercially use the work, on condition that it is properly identified as specified by the author(s).
- The author(s) of a monograph/chapter in a multi-author volume and the editor(s) of a multi-author volume file(s) a written declaration stating that none of the material included in the work infringes the rights of a third party or existing copyrights; particularly, that the work does not contain any material which is other persons’ work and has been illegally appropriated. It is the sole responsibility of the author(s)/editor(s) to obtain the copyright holders’ permission to include copyrighted material (e.g. illustrations) in the submitted work. In some cases, the Publishing Centre may decide to provide assistance regarding copyrighted material.
- The author(s)/editor(s) grant(s) the Institute a non-exclusive license to publish the work in print; the number of copies shall not exceed 200. The Institute has the sole right to determine all the technical aspects of the publication, including the price and the form of distribution.
- Furthermore, the author(s) grant(s) the Institute a non-exclusive licence to use the work in the following way:
- sell and distribute the work in form other than selling its copies, store it in electronic form, distribute the entire work or its parts for the purpose of the promotion of the Institute via computer networks and other digital media;
- record the work in any form, including digital media, and reproduce it in any form, including digital media;
- enter the work into the memory of publicly accessible computers located in the office of the Institute (or on the premises used by the Institute);
- lend or lease copies of the work;
- make the work available, and send it through multi-media networks, especially the Internet and Intranet, on-line, on demand, including making the work publicly available, in order that anyone can obtain access to the work or its parts wherever and whenever it is convenient for them.
Information about issues concerning the copyright of articles is available on each journal’s “Submissions” page on the Institute’s ISS PAS Journals website.
Author fees
The Publishing Centre only accepts for publication manuscripts funded from other sources (grants, government programmes, e.g. Activity for the Dissemination of Scholarly Research, Działalność upowszechniająca naukę, DUN, sponsors, etc.) or by the author(s). Monographs submitted for publication by staff members of the Institute as part of their promotion procedure (habilitation and professorship dissertations) are eligible for funding from a subvention for maintaining and developing the research potential of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, subject to its financial situation.
Information about author fees is available on each journal’s “About the Journal” page on the Institute’s ISS PAS Journals website.