e-mail: magdalena.bubik@ispan.edu.pl
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-2047-7454
Research interests
- The cultural heritage of the borderlands;
- Religious history, with particular emphasis on protestant churches.
Membership in scientific bodies
- 2023 Prague, Czech Republic: Erasmus Plus internship at Karlova Univerzita;
- 2022 Prague, Czech Republic: internship at Masarykově ústavu a Archivu AV ČR, v. v. i.;
- 2017–2022: The Gen. Anders Programme Scholarship.
Research projects
- 2022–2027: “Recycling the German Ghosts. Resettlement Cultures in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia after 1945 (SPECTRAL RECYCLING)” – Starting Grant, European Research Council no. 101041946.
Other research projects:
- 2022–2023, “Czechoslovak-Polish Scholarly Entanglements in the Cold War Between High Politics and Individual Strategies” – project volunteer – founded by GAČR and NCN;
- 2021–2022, “Granice Spotkań” (Boundaries of Encounters) – project coordination – founded by Excellence Initiative Research University at Faculty of History of the Jagiellonian University.
- Bubík, M. (2019). Dějiny evangelíků na Těšínsku od reformace do tolerance, by Stanislav Piętak, David Pindur, Daniel Spratek. Studia Historyczne, LXII, 4(248), 83–86.