PhD in social sciences, media studies
Research interests
- Identity studies,
- Central and Eastern Europe as a concept,
- Media discourses, media language,
- Critical discourse analysis,
- Content analysis.
Research projects
- NCN MINIATURA, project title: “Decolonization processes in Ukraine’s YouTube segment after February 24, 2022”. Implementation period June 2024 – June 2025. Principal Investigator (Institute of Slavic Studies PAS).
- NAWA , “Promotion of Polish Language” program. Project title: “Polish language in borderland cultures: support of the Polish language academic communities in Chernivtsi and Tübingen”. Implementation period 1.10. 2022–30.09.2023. Partners: the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Leader), Eberhard Karl University in Tübingen, Germany, Yuri Fedkovych University in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Project manager (Institute of Slavic Studies PAS).
- NAWA , Welcome to Poland program. Project title: “Online learning. Counteracting exclusion in the international virtual space”. Implementation period: 1.05.2022–30.04.2023. Project manager (Institute of Slavic Studies PAS).
- Tkachenko O. “Are Pushkin and Bulgakov to Blame for Russia’s War against Ukraine?”, in: Aleksandra Konarzewska, Anna Nakai eds., Voicing Memories, Unearthing Identities: Studies in the Twenty-First-Century Literatures of Eastern and East-Central Europe, Vernon Press, 2023.
- Tkachenko O. Discourse of Ukrainian Identity in the Polish Opinion-Forming Press during the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan. Media Linguistic Analysis, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw 2022. (Nomination to J. Giedroyć Award in 2023).
- Tkachenko O., Zhanayev A. (eds.). Searching for Identity. Personal Experiences and Methodological Reflections. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW, 2021.
- Tkachenko, O. (2017) Text as a Source of Identity: Ukrainian Identity in Polish Press. Methodological Remarks and Empirical Examples. W E. Niedziałek, K. Usakiewicz & I.Wiencek (Red.), Tekst – Tożsamość – Twórca. Rozważania o humanistyce współczesnej. Eseje i rozprawy doktorantów Wydziału “Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ss. 161-176). Zakład graficzny UW.
- Tkachenko, O. (2016). The Perception of Ukrainian Identity during Euromaidan in Polish Opinion-Making Press, Studia Medioznawcze, 1 (64), 75-85.
- Tkachenko, O.(2016). Reinventing Ukraine: Ukrainian National and Supra-National Identity in Contemporary Polish Opinion-Making Press. Colloquia Humanistica, 5, 141-163.
- Tkachenko, O. (2017) Text as a Source of Identity: Ukrainian Identity in Polish Press. Methodological Remarks and Empirical Examples. W E. Niedziałek, K. Usakiewicz & I.Wiencek (Red.), Tekst – Tożsamość – Twórca. Rozważania o humanistyce współczesnej. Eseje i rozprawy doktorantów Wydziału “Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ss. 161-176). Zakład graficzny UW.