Join us for the International Lecture Series on Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies

Join us for the International Lecture Series on Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies, a collaborative initiative between Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vision Ukraine Netzwerk: Bildung, Sprache und Migration, and the UCL Ukrainian Society. This exciting series brings together Ukrainian and international scholars for insightful discussions on a wide range of topics related to Ukrainian culture, history, and society.

The lecture series is open to a broad spectrum of participants, including researchers, university academics, and students at all levels from Ukraine, Europe and beyond, fostering an inclusive and interdisciplinary dialogue within the field of Ukrainian Studies.

Sessions will be held twice weekly in the evening via Zoom platform (starting at 6:00 PM Polish time) from January 29th to March 1st, 2025.

All sessions will be conducted in English, and participation is free of charge.

Successful completion of the program will grant participants an electronic certificate of participation.

Applications for participation are open until January 23rd, 2025.

To register, please fill in the form under the following link:

From the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a lecture entitled “Decolonial Content on Ukrainian YouTube: Revealing “kakaya raznitsa” and Blurring Cultural Boundaries with Russia” will be given by dr. Olha Tkachenko on February 21, 2025.

The entire program of the Lecture Series can be found at the link.

Dr. A. Zanki on a training for research project managers

Dr. Angelika Zanki, the manager and facilitator of ERC StG project “Spectral Recycling”, is a specialist with extensive knowledge in many fields of science and various skills, including those related to the preparation of the administrative and substantive part of grant applications, managing the team’s work, promoting their activities. She has knowledge of financial and legal issues and settlement of projects. Her duties also include ensuring effective communication and efficient flow of information within the project team and within the Institute regarding the implemented project.

She recently took part in the “V4 Training” co-organized by the Polish Science Contact Agency “PolSCA”, the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO), the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels (SLORD).

Source: material provided by the organizers.

This training was dedicated to experienced research project managers from scientific institutions, mainly universities and research institutes and centres, who deal with project management, including fundraising, budgeting and reporting. The emphasis is on international projects within the EU framework programs for research and innovation (currently Horizon Europe).

As part of the 3-day “V4 Training”, which took place on November 4-6, 2024, participants could hear presentations by representatives of the European Commission, experts from liaison offices and academic centres, as well as take part in networking meetings during which they had the opportunity to exchange experiences. According to Angelika, what deserved special attention was the opportunity to meet key Polish stakeholders in Brussels: Magdalena Kula, Research Attaché at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland and Waldemar Dubaniowski, director of the Brussels office of NCBR, as well as an additional session on the PM2 methodology (a project management methodology developed and promoted by European Commission) conducted by Marc Berghmans.

Brussels in the evening. Photo: private archive of Dr. A. Zanki.

Call for Papers: „(In)Visible Russian (Anti-)War Migration” – international conference, Warsaw, 13–15 March 2024

We would like to invite you to participate in the international academic conference “(In)Visible Russian (Anti-)War Migration”, which will take place on March 13–15, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland.

Organizers: Institute of Slavic Studies PAS, Faculty of Sociology UW, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology UW

The conference aims to explore all dimensions of Russian (anti-)war migration and examine the local responses of host countries at micro, meso, and macro levels. The idea for the conference arises from the project “Crossing Borders, Building Walls: Towards an Ethnography of Russian War Mobilization” (NAWA BPN/GIN/2022/1/00082/DEC/1, 2023-2024), conducted at our Institute by Dr. Katarzyna Roman-Rawska.

Full CFP and additional info: CfP (In)Visible Russian (Anti-)War Migration 13-15.03.2024

Abstract submission closes: December 1, 2023

FB event:

The conference is co-funded by the state budget, granted by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Poland, under the programme “Excellent Science II – Support for scientific conferences”.

Opening of the new headquarters of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS – October 24, 2023.

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, the official opening of the new headquarters of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences took place at 1 Jaracza Street in Warsaw. The event was attended by: President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Marek Konarzewski, Chancellor of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Rafał Wierzchosławski Ph. D., Dean of Faculty I of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Andrzej Buko and the Director of the Institute of Psychology PAS (also located in the building at Jaracza 1), Prof. Robert Balas.

The ceremony began with a joint ribbon cutting by the President of the PAS, Prof. Marek Konarzewski and Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS, Prof. Anna Zielińska. Director Zielińska welcomed the gathered guests and briefly presented the history of the Institute. She also emphasized that due to the significant scientific development and increase in the Institute’s staff, improving the housing situation was one of the priority tasks of the outgoing Directorship. The Director also emphasized the merits of the PAS President, Prof. Marek Konarzewski, for the implementation of ISS PAS aspirations to acquire a high level institutional space and expressed the Institute’s team’s joy at the new headquarters. She also thanked the Dean, Prof. Andrzej Buka for supporting the Institute’s efforts to obtain the premises and Chancellor Dr. Rafał Wierzchosławski for the efficient organization of its transfer.

The research conducted at the Institute and the latest achievements of our scientists were presented by the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Hab. Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska, Prof. ISS PAS.

Then the President of the PAS, Prof. Marek Konarzewski drew attention to the importance of research conducted at the Institute and raised a toast to its further prosperity. The Chancellor of the PAS, Dr. Rafał Wierzchosławski, also spoke, and the Dean of Faculty I, Prof. Andrzej Buko emphasized that solving the housing problems of the Institute of Slavic Studies was one of the Faculty’s priorities.

The official part of the event ended with a tour of the Institute’s new headquarters.

The second part of the ceremony had a friendly character and was open to all employees, retirees, co-workers, collaborators and doctoral students of the Institute.

International Network of Antisemitism Scholarship

We are happy to announce that Institute of Slavic Studies (Polish Academy of Sciences), together with: Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (Indiana University Bloomington), London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Oslo Metropolitan University, the Network of Young Academics Against Antisemitism (NY3A), Rabin Chair Forum at George Washington University, and Centre for Antisemitism and Racism Studies in Aachen, participates in organizing the International Network of Antisemitism Scholarship Online Seminar Series for Spring 2023.

Read more

Polish Science Festival in Ukraine

On September 28–30, 2021 in Berdyansk and Mariupol the Polish Science Festival in Ukraine took place. It was organized in the frame of “Social responsibility of science – Popularization of science and promotion of sport” program funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. The organizer of the international project and the winner of the Ministry’s competition is dr hab. Helena Krasowska, professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences.

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Frederik Lange with short research visit at the ISS PAS

From 11 to 24 October, 2021 Mr. Frederik Lange, a PhD student from the University of Regensburg, is staying at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences under the program “PROM – International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff”. This Thursday, on October 14th, 2021 at 3 pm, Mr. Frederik Lange will give a presentation (“Border River vs. Borderline in the River: Negotiating the Disputed Boundary on the Drina and the Habsburg-Serbian Antagonism, 1878–1914”) during the doctoral seminar at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

You are cordially invited to participate in this meeting!

Invite link:

Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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