EU grant Fellow at the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS

We are pleased to announce that from 1 September this year, as part of the EU scholarship, Dr. Sergei Mudrov will carry out a project at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences entitled “Church-State Relations in the Post-Communist World: the Cases of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine”. The project supervisor on behalf of the Institute will be the director, dr hab. Ewa Golachowska, prof. ISS PAS.

This research will analyse how Church-State relations in Belarus, Poland and Ukraine were developing after the fall of communism, in a comparative perspective. Within this broader area, it aims at identifying specifically (1) the principal transformative mechanisms and key changes, in the context of the theoretical approaches towards Church-State relations, and (2) the response from religious organisations and state bodies to crucial developments and key events in the areas which are of interest and importance to ecclesiastical structures. For this research, Dr. Mudrov is going to use the three-model approach towards Church-State relations, with the identification of the state Church model, the cooperationist (or hybrid), and the secular (or separation) models. This classification is supported by most scholars working in this field (i.e. Haynes, Leustean, Coughlin, etc.), although the variations within each model has also been noted (i.e. Francis, Minkenberg).

The concrete cases for the analysis have been selected with the view of reflecting the key interests of churches and state, and the salient aspects in the interaction of these institutions. These have included (1) the area of education, especially secondary education; (2) the area of migration, including the assistance to migrants and refugees.

The researcher’s stay will last until June 2025. The project is financed by the European Commission grant (number: NDICI-GEO-NEAR_2022_434-092-0029).

Dr. Sergei A. Mudrov. Photo: private archive.

Dr. Sergei A. Mudrov holds a PhD in Contemporary History/Sociology from the University of Salford (UK). He has worked in print media, NGOs, academia, and at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Dr. Mudrov is the author of several books on EU integration, religion and identity, including “Christian Churches in European Integration”(Routledge, 2016) and “The Orthodox Church in Europe: from Reykjavik to Tallinn” (Medial, 2018). His recent articles in the subject area of religion and society appeared in the “Journal of Contemporary Religion”, “Europe-Asia Studies”, and “Journal of Religion in Europe”.



Dr Karolina Panz will realize NCN SONATA grant

We are pleased to announce that Dr Karolina Panz’s project, entitled “Faces of smuggling in the Polish-Slovak borderland between 1918 and 1949” has received funding under the SONATA 19 competition of the National Science Center.

The SONATA 19 competition, which is aimed at researchers with a doctoral degree obtained 2 to 7 years prior to the year of application, is designed to support those beginning their scientific careers in conducting innovative research. In this edition of the competition, 1148 applications were submitted to NCN, 218 projects were qualified for funding.

The ranking list is available on the NCN website:


Dr Karolina Panz. Photo: private archive.

MINIATURA grant for dr Olha Tkachenko

We are happy to inform that dr Olha Tkachenko was awarded a MINIATURA 8 grant from the National Science Centre (NCN). Dr Tkachenko received funding for a project „Decolonization Processes in Ukraine’s YouTube Segment after February 24, 2022”.

The aim of the MINIATURA call is to support scientific activities to prepare for a future research project that will take part in NCN competitions or other national and international calls.

The ranking list is available on the NCN website:


HR Excellence in Research evaluation at ISS PAS

On Thursday 29 June 2023, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences hosted the Evaluators visiting on behalf of the European Commission. The visit was related to the renewal of the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo – the certificate is awarded by the Commission to institutions which provide researchers with the best working and development conditions, foster mobility and pursue a policy of equal opportunities. ISS PAS joined the group of Polish institutions entitled to use the HR logo in 2017.

The June meeting and discussions were successful, and the Experts provided the Commission with their recommendations. The official report confirms the positive assessment of the Institute, expressed, among other things, in the following passage from the report: “ISS-PAS is actively supporting academic and non-academic staff at their professional growth using own resources and externalfunding. The institute strived to ensure its strategy actually responds to the needs of its constituency (…). Although the action plan was quite ambitious and challenging, they have invested significant efforts in implementing the HR strategy. (…) The approach of ISS-PAS towards HRS4R is remarkable”.

We are therefore pleased to announce that the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences – after some minor adjustments, which should be implemented in the near future – is still entitled use the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. This is a recognition which we are very happy about!

Read more about the procedure at:


Two NAWA “Polonista” Fellows at the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS



We are pleased to announce that two projects will be carried out at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences within the fifth edition of the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) programme POLONISTA:

From 1 September this year until 29 February 2024, Dr Vadzim Shkliaryk from Belarus will be implementing the project “Little-known Polish-Belarusian texts in manuscripts from the 18th century: linguistic description in the context of historical dialectology” at the ISS PAS. Prof. Alena Rudenka will be the project supervisor on behalf of the Institute.

Dr. Vadzim Shkliaryk. Photo: private archive.

In turn, from 1 April to 30 September 2024 Doc. Dr. Olena Pelekhata from Ukraine will conduct a project at the Institute entitled “The influence of linguistic ideologies on the value of the Polish language and Polish identity”. Dr Gabriela Augustyniak-Żmuda will be the project supervisor.

POLONISTA is a scholarship and fellowship programme of the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) addressed to students and researchers. The objective of the Programme is to promote Polish language in the world by enabling foreigners interested in Polish language and Polish culture to study or carry out research projects in Poland.

Doc. dr Olena Pelekhata. Photo: private archive.

For more information on the programme, visit the NAWA website:


Dr Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska nominated for AcademiaNet

We are proud to announce that our researcher, Dr Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska, has been nominated for AcademiaNet – European Database of Outstanding Women Academic ( AcademiaNet is a portal run by the Swiss National Science Foundation containing database of profiles of outstanding female scientists from all fields.

Dr Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska. Photo: Leszek Zych/Polityka

Outstanding female researchers are nominated for the database by more than 40 prestigious partner organisations (it is not possible to apply directly – a nomination is required). The selection criteria are rigorous and include scientific excellence and outstanding achievements in the discipline represented by the researcher.

Dr Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska’s profile can be found by following the link:

AcademiaNet aims to create a database containing profiles of female experts from all disciplines. The platform should make it easier to find outstanding female representatives from the respective fields and contribute to the increased selection of female scientists for scientific committees and their more frequent invitations by universities and other institutions.

MINIATURA grant for dr Marzena Maciulewicz

We are happy to inform that dr Marzena Maciulewicz was awarded a MINIATURA 6 grant from the National Science Centre (NCN). Dr Maciulewicz received funding for a research project entitled: „Komšiluk w wielkim mieście? Relacje sąsiedzkie w Nowym Belgradzie” („Komšiluk in the city? Neighbour relations in New Belgrade”.

The aim of the MINIATURA call is to support research activities leading to the preparation of assumptions for a research project, which will be submitted to NCN calls or other national and international calls.


The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences Award for dr hab. Ireny Grudzińskiej-Gross, prof. IS PAN

Dr. hab. Irena Grudzińska-Gross, professor in the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Science is the 2022 recipient of the Susanne Lotarski Distinguished Achievement Award of The Polish Institute of Arts and Science in New York. The award recognizes the excellence of her academic work. Founded in 1942, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences is a center of science and culture.

Three projects at the Institute of Slavic Studies with funding in the POLONEZ BIS 2 competition of the National Science Centre

We are pleased to announce that three projects from the Institute of Slavic Studies have received funding as part of the POLONEZ BIS 2 competition of the National Science Centre.

Dr Anna Becker from Germany will implement a project titled “New multilingual realities in Polish higher education: The negotiation of language practices, identities, and ideologies in times of unprecedented migration and resurgent nationalism”. Dr hab. Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska, prof. ISS PAS will be her mentor.

Dr Anton Dinerstein from Belarus received funding for a project titled “Power and identity in Russian-language political discourse: The case of Belarus”. The project will be supervised by dr hab. Anna Engelking, prof. ISS PAS.

Dr Orest Semotiuk from Ukraine will conduct research on the topic “Laughter during the war: Russian aggression in Ukraine in political cartoons and memes” under the supervision of dr hab. Roman Roszko, prof. ISS PAS.

In the second edition of the POLONEZ BIS call, 153 applications were submitted to the National Science Centre. 52 projects with a total value of almost PLN 48.2 million were qualified for financing. In the humanities, social sciences, and arts 18 projects received funding.

The POLONEZ BIS call is addressed to researchers from abroad who have a PhD degree or at least four years of full-time research experience and who have not stayed, worked or studied in Poland in the three years preceding the opening date of the call for proposals for more than 12 months in total. In the competition, the applicants can receive funds for the implementation of 24-month research projects, including i.a. remuneration for the PI and members of the research team, including scholarships for students or doctoral students, and expenses necessary for the implementation of the research project.

POLONEZ BIS is co-financed by the European Commission and the National Science Centre under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant.

More information on the competition and the results is available on NCN’s website:

Andrzej Żak received National Science Centre’s PRELUDIUM 21 grant

We are pleased to announce that Andrzej Żak, MA, received funding under the PRELUDIUM 21 call for the implementation of the project “Acoustic stress correlates in Kashubian”. Andrzej Żak is a PhD student at the Anthropos Doctoral School of the Polish Academy of Sciences, conducting research at the Institute of Slavic Studies and working on his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Irena Sawicka. He is part of the research team of a National Science Centre SONATA BIS grant “Linguistic diversity in Poland: collateral languages, language-oriented activities and conceptualization of collective identity” whose PI is Dr hab. Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska, prof. ISS PAS.

In the PRELUDIUM 21 call for proposals, 2,163 applications were submitted, 258 of them will receive funding. Within the humanities, social sciences, and arts 73 research projects were qualified for funding.

PRELUDIUM is dedicated to research projects carried out by scholars who do not have a doctoral degree. The research team in a project may consist of a maximum of three people, including the project manager and the scientific supervisor.

More information on the competition and the results is available on NCN’s website:

Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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